How your coursework is weighted:
Quizzes and Assignments: 20%
Discussion Forum Posts: 20%
Reflections and Projects: 40%
Employability: 20%
Graded Expectations (Employability):
1. Come to class on time.
2. Be READY to learn.
3. LISTEN and follow directions.
4. Raise your hand to speak.
5. Be RESPECTFUL of others.
-Quizzes: Every module will have two mini quizzes based off of the week's resources (readings & videos).
-Discussion Forum Posts and Reflections: Each week you will have a discussion forum assignment and a reflection paper to turn in.
-Final: A final reflection assignment, to be posted in Schoology.
Quizzes and Assignments: 20%
Discussion Forum Posts: 20%
Reflections and Projects: 40%
Employability: 20%
Graded Expectations (Employability):
1. Come to class on time.
2. Be READY to learn.
3. LISTEN and follow directions.
4. Raise your hand to speak.
5. Be RESPECTFUL of others.
-Quizzes: Every module will have two mini quizzes based off of the week's resources (readings & videos).
-Discussion Forum Posts and Reflections: Each week you will have a discussion forum assignment and a reflection paper to turn in.
-Final: A final reflection assignment, to be posted in Schoology.
Students, allow yourself the time and space you need to do your best work. Don't procrastinate, and if you get stuck on an assignment, reach out to your teacher or one of your peers. Please make sure that you check your grades often to ensure you are getting the grade you want and think you deserve. Catching errors right away not only helps you, but it helps your teacher as well.
Students, allow yourself the time and space you need to do your best work. Don't procrastinate, and if you get stuck on an assignment, reach out to your teacher or one of your peers. Please make sure that you check your grades often to ensure you are getting the grade you want and think you deserve. Catching errors right away not only helps you, but it helps your teacher as well.